What medications are used to treat prostatitis in men

capsules for the treatment of prostatitis

The greatest need is for pharmacy drugs to treat prostatitis in men. Many ask a decent question - how to treat prostatitis in men? Some believe that the most effective medicines are folk remedies. Others prefer to treat them with fast-acting drugs. But keep in mind that prostatitis cannot always be cured by traditional medical methods. In this case, the only way out is surgery.

Forms of issue

When choosing drugs to treat prostatitis, it will not be superfluous to know in what forms they can be produced. Not only anti-inflammatory pills can help cope with the disease. Although for men, anti-prostatitis pills are considered the most convenient to take.

  1. Candles.The list starts with candles for a reason. These are effective drugs that act almost directly on the site of inflammation. Therefore, drugs administered rectally act fairly quickly. In prostatitis, drugs in the form of suppositories help to normalize the metabolic process;
  2. Injections.Special injections are a fairly effective treatment for prostatitis. Thanks to this form, the drug for men’s prostatitis enters the body quickly, restoring the work of the vascular and immune systems;
  3. Paste.Such medicines should be taken directly with the help of a doctor who will inject the medicine at the site of the disease. But it is not recommended to independently eliminate inflammation of the prostate gland by instillations;
  4. NSAIDs or NSAIDs.These are not steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that prevent the development of inflammatory processes and reactions;
  5. Enema. More specifically, these are microcycles. They are classified as folk remedies because decoctions and infusions are used as medicinal components. Their medicinal properties, together with the effect of temperature, do not allow the gland to overcool, nor do they allow overstretching;
  6. Adrenoblockers.These alpha-blockers are used to block adrenergic receptors in the nervous system;
  7. Pills.Very often, medication for prostatitis involves taking pills. Basically, these drugs for the treatment of prostatitis have antibacterial activity.

When the prostate becomes inflamed, i. e. , inflammation of the prostate begins, men notice the characteristic signs and symptoms almost immediately. These symptoms or signs indicate a health problem. Therefore, you should consult a doctor to decide how to treat and what medications or medications to take to combat the disease.

For prostatitis, pills are not the only but the most popular type of medication. However, for good and competent treatment, a specialist must first be consulted. Already on the basis of the examination, the doctor will determine what is best to drink and what medications they are taking, they may not help. The choice of medications is purely individual, as some medications taken for prostatitis may have an excellent effect on some patients, but for others, medications such as prostatitis do not help.

Characteristics of drugs

In men with prostatitis, the doctor recommends medication first and foremost. Prostate treatment is quite successful if you use drugs to treat prostatitis under the conditions of their competent selection.

Moreover, if men are being treated with medications, they need to understand what these or those medications are.

  1. AntibioticsThe most effective cure for prostatitis when triggered by bacteria is antibiotics. It is best to use a wide range of medications to treat prostatitis in men, which can kill a wide variety of pathogens. But keep in mind that symptoms and signs of dysbiosis are possible when taking antibiotics. Not only harmful organisms are killed, but also the beneficial microflora. In order to prevent the symptoms and signs of dysbiosis and other side effects from threatening you, it is better to take probiotics in parallel. The latest antibiotics are extremely effective and at the same time cause less damage;
  2. Analgesicswith prostatitis. In prostatitis, drugs with this effect are very important because they relieve severe pain. With their help, only the symptoms of pain can be eliminated, so they are considered as complementary agents. Inflammation of the prostate is often accompanied by pain, so they play a major role in men;
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugswith prostatitis. Why anti-inflammatory drugs are needed for prostatitis hardly needs to be explained. They eliminate inflammation of the prostate, normalize the patient's condition;
  4. Adrenoblockers.These are special medications used to treat prostatitis in men that help relax the muscles of the urethra and bladder neck, which normalizes the outflow of urine. Like painkillers, these treatments alleviate symptoms but do not cure them;
  5. Relaxants.They have about the same effect as previous drugs, but they act in the perineal region. In prostatitis, this zone always exceeds the normal tone. The drug, by reducing the pressure in the pelvis, eliminates the pain;
  6. Preparations for normalizing blood circulation.Not new, but effective. Indeed, in the case of inflammation of the prostate, there is a violation of blood flow. As a result, stagnation occurs and the tissues of the organs cannot be restored. Thus, complex therapy for prostatitis must necessarily include this group of drugs;
  7. Vitamin complexes.With their help, the immune system recovers and strengthens. After all, prostatitis leads to severe stress on the immune system, making a person vulnerable to other diseases and infections.

Local remedies

Only one doctor can select the best medication for prostatitis in each case. Do not try to heal yourself. When selecting drugs for prostatitis, reviews or advertisements are not analogous to medical recommendations.

There is a huge list of tools to help you cope with common male ailments. What pills for prostatitis do you have, do they have analogues, and can you get the fastest results possible - these questions should be asked by your doctor.

But at the same time, there are drugs that have proven their effectiveness, so these are currently considered to be the most beneficial in the treatment of prostatitis.

Under no circumstances should you choose medication. First, see your doctor, do the necessary tests, and perform the test. The results will tell you which medicines will be effective for you and whether surgery is needed. The problem for many men is that they turn to professionals too late when medications are no longer able to help.